I'm not very funny, not funny at all, but if I were to give you five tips for writing a humorous narrative they'd be to one, know your audience. You should know your audience so you don't end up joking about women oppression to feminists or Satan to religious folks. They wont find it very funny. Second, be original. Why is the "6 afraid of 7" joke not funny anymore? Because 789 million people have used that joke. Create something new. Third, make sure your joke is funny before presenting it to an audience. If it isnt funny to you, most likely it won't be funny to other people. Test your joke out on at least yourself before you perform. Fourth, write about something you know, something relateable. For example, can I write about working at a grocery store, let alone a comedic monologue about working at a grocery store, if I dont know anything about it. Fifth and lastly, I'd say to wrap your narrative up with your biggest joke. Leave the audience laughing after you've finished speaking. In theatere, after a play, the goal is to still have the audience laughing after you've left the stage, I say in comedy it should be the same way.
The monologue I've written is about stereotypical teenage girls. It's not very funny aha.. I'm not very funny, as I said before. It's funny to me, but I tested it out on a couple of friends and nobody laughed. You see, I'm a sucker for irony. I love irony. My monologue lists a bunch of things stereotypical teenage girls do that are ironic. For example: being a hipster. The definition of a hipster nowadays is someone who isn't mainstream. However.. being a hipster is mainstream. I smirking and chuckling right now. God, I love irony.
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