Proactive or Procrastination?

I'm honestly a bit of a procrastinator and a bit proactive. I can be one or the other depending on the time and the situation. Say if I'm going to my friend's flat to sleep over on Friday and I had gotten homework for the weekend. I'd probably just ditch the homework for a couple days so I could focus on my friend. I usually don't like stress but I'd handle it for the sake of not being rude. If though, say, I had an inexistent social life (which is pretty much true) I'd do the homework as soon as I got home because I'd have nothing better to do anyway. Like I said, I don't really enjoy stress and I get stressed very easily so I'd only skip out on my homework if it's absolutely necessary (or if I'm just feeling extremely lazy). I'd say I'm about 55% a procrastinator and 40% proactive. Wait, that doesn't add up. Oh, I'm 5% pizza. Yeah, that works.

My level of productivity relates to my amount of free time by... Well, like I said in the first paragraph, if I'm super productive I'll have a bunch of free time to do other things rather than the task that would be no longer at bay. If I put off doing the work, I would rather consider it 'stalling' than free time. In the back of your mind will be that thing that you have to do once you're done fooling around. When it comes to cleaning, I always procrastinate. I always take up all my time thinking about the chores I have to struggle to do ten minutes before my mum gets home to really enjoy the time I have "free."

I want to try to be more proactive by remembering that school (and other work stuff) comes first and outside life and fun comes after (even though I have no intention to go to university or do anything else in life that my grades would affect). I'll make sure to not 'stall' my work because in the end, I'm just going to have to do it anyway. It's pointless to put your work off unless you have something else you need to do right then and there in the moment your supposed to be completing your task.

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