Music Videos Rock!

For our music video project we were working on (more info found here), my teammates were my friends Dylan and Loren. We all contributed important parts to our film. Dylan was the main actor in the music video. Loren was the main camera person and came up with the interesting shots and sequencing. I was pretty much the main director of the video. I am very bossy, haha. We all took turns directing scenes, acting, editing, and all that jazz.

I think our audience will enjoy all the fun put into our video and the quick sequencing. We really had a great time filming our video and I think you can see that in our final product. We have very fast shot sequences to keep the audience entertained. In my opinion, our video is very good quality and we edited it very well. I think our audience will appreciate all the hard work we put into our video.

Our music video shows a lot of what we learned this year in GT. Some of these things include: composition techniques (rule of thirds, leading lines, etc.), shot sequencing (wide medium, and close shots), and even some Photoshop skills with our music video poster we show in the beginning of our film. I've learned so much in this class, its hard to remember and list all of the knowledge I've obtained. I'm quite sure there are more things I've learned put into the video, but they're subconscious actions now.

Making this music video was a blast. This GT class was a blast. This school year was a blast. Now I'm going to get all teary-eyed because this is our last assigned blog post for the school year. I don't know if I'll be continuing this blog after school is over, but I hope to be doing so. I better go before I start crying. Farewell, my Fab af Pizza People.

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