Hiki No Behind the Scenes

In GT we are currently working on profile and news stories. On this project, I'm in a team of four made up by Kyler Arruda-Sukehira, Kaz Espina, Dylan Niide, and lastly, me. We are doing a profile on our teammate, Dylan, and how he plays the piano.

We've met up once so far and it went pretty well, despite us not having a microphone. Also, we sometimes argue about who should do what job. None of us have any free days except Friday and Sunday so it's hard to plan when we should meet up.

When the camera isn't rolling..there's usually a lot of arguing and joking around going on. We like to have have fun, but I think that sometimes that can be a weakness; we fool around a lot and barely get any work done. Lots of laughs are shared, and I honestly love my team a lot.

I think we should try and focus more and be more open-minded to new ideas to get our work done faster. It would solve our arguing and fooling-around problems.


  1. I really like your blog layout it has a great color scheme!

  2. There's so much dylan sajugknsdlodlio;lsf halp

    *Is stalking blog*
